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A shocking number of people in the US face the bleak situation of not having at least one tooth and lacking the confidence to express emotion through their smiles. Missing teeth also leave behind pockets in your mouth where harmful bacteria can set camp and cause gum disease and other infections. If left untreated, this can trigger different health problems and be an obstacle for various daily activities, like eating or speaking. 

Dental implants in Orlando are a ground-breaking solution to nip the missing teeth problem in the bud, and dentists are here to explain the before-and-after transformation this procedure can create for their patients. 

woman can eat strawberries because of the dental implants she got in orlando

What Are Dental Implants? 

Trauma or severe tooth decay are wrongdoers that can make a tooth go from pearly white to a missing mess. In this case, dentists may choose dental implants as a solution, permanently attaching them to your upper or lower jaw through surgery. Since they are made of a porcelain crown and a titanium root, dental implants are a durable, polished replacement that becomes a natural part of your mouth. 

When getting dental implants, spare your dentist no details about your dental history and lifestyle, so they can figure out if this procedure will help or hinder you. 

What Can Dental Implants Do for My Smile? 

1. Give You a Natural-looking Smile 

Teeth get their whitish shade from the enamel and dentin that covers them. Their surface is also porous, meaning they can absorb different substances in your food that give them a more natural look. The porcelain crowns in your implants mimic that appearance, blending perfectly with the rest of your teeth and giving you a healthy, strong smile. 

2. Provide Support to Your Face and Adjacent Teeth 

When a tooth falls, the gap it leaves behind gives the adjacent teeth room to misalign and change the shape of your smile. More teeth lost means less jaw support as well, transforming your face and giving it an aged look. 

Dental implants have an advantage over other dentistry procedures when filling in for your missing teeth since they keep your neighboring natural ones in place while being less likely to make them sensitive and give them cavities. Implants also fix the jaw and prevent it from dropping. 

3. Enhance Your Chewing 

Your teeth are responsible for changing your favorite meal into a digestible mass of nutrients, and missing some of them will hinder and slow your chewing and make food more difficult to digest. Getting dental implants to replace these little grinders will restore your chewing to normal and improve your digestive health. 

4. Improve Your Speech 

You can only utter some sounds when the tongue hits your teeth or when your upper and lower teeth touch. Replacing missing teeth, especially in the front of your smile, will help you improve your speech and say the most complex words. 

5. Improve Your Self-Esteem 

Smiles are not only helpful for eating and speaking but also for silently conveying emotions. Missing teeth can severely hurt your self-esteem by not allowing you to react naturally to your environment. Dental implants can complete the missing pieces of your smile and let you interact with others confidently.

Woman who has dental implants in Orlando

Want to Get a Dental Implant in Orlando? 

Filling the gaps in your teeth with dental implants can relieve your worries about daily activities, like chewing or smiling. Contact our team and book an appointment today to smile with confidence once again!

4501 S. Semoran Blvd. Suite C|Orlando, FL 32822|MAP & Directions

Call: (407) 381-3377